Two Months of Prayer and Fasting

On Sunday I challenged our church to two months of prayer and fasting. I called each person to fast and pray 4 specific prayers from November 3 through January 3. If you weren’t able to join us Sunday, here are the 4 prayers:

  1. Pray Jesus will make you more obedient to Him.
  2. Pray Jesus will increase your love for Him.
  3. Pray Jesus will show you if He has called Pastor Chris to lead this church into the future.
  4. Pray Jesus will show you if He has called you to stay with this church in the future.

I look forward to the stories people will share Sunday, January 3 about how Jesus has answered these 4 prayers! God speaks to us every day. But are we listening? I’m excited to hear what he says to us about these 4 prayers.

Published by

Chris Branigan

I'm a follower of Jesus, a husband, a father, and a pastor.