Preparing for spiritual bloodwork

black coffee

Note: Our church is fasting and praying these 4 prayers November 3-January 3. If you’re not familiar with the prayers, read that post first.

It seems like I get sick a lot and rarely feel like I’m running on full steam. I struggle to get out of bed every day. I keep a coffee maker in our bathroom. As soon as I get out of bed, I start brewing coffee and gulping down my daily dose of caffeine. So I went in for a physical a few weeks ago. The doctor’s office told me to fast for at least 8 hours before arriving for my blood work. In order to more accurately asses what’s going on inside my body, I had to abstain from anything that could throw off the diagnostic tests. All I could have for breakfast was black coffee. Luckily, I like black coffee.
I think that’s a helpful metaphor to explain the spiritual purpose of fasting. I often can’t clearly see what’s going on in my own (spiritual) heart. Really, that shouldn’t be surprising. In the Old Testament book of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 17:9), it says “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

I guess that’s why David prayed “Search me, God, and know my heart (Psalm 139:23).” When I add fasting to my prayer life, I often more clearly hear God teaching me about my heart…thoughts, attitudes, and actions he’s pleased with and others he wants to change or remove. Jesus is always willing to share the results of his spiritual diagnostic tests on my heart. In some mysterious way I don’t fully understand, fasting spiritually and mentally prepares me for hearing Jesus’ words. Of course, that’s not the only benefit to fasting. But we’ll discuss other benefits in later posts.

I’ve challenged our church to fast November 3 – January 3. Some will fast from food. Those who can’t fast from food for medical reasons will be fasting from other things. Some will fast every day, while others may choose to fast from something one day a week. Ask God to show you how you should fast during this time. As you fast, you may suddenly hear Jesus talking to you about things you’ve previously been deaf to hearing.

There are several examples where the Bible uses the language of hunger and thirst to describe our longing for God. You might find these Bible verses helpful during your fast.

Obey before love?

Hands making heart around sun

Our church is fasting and praying these 4 prayers November 3-January 3:

  1. Pray Jesus will make you more obedient to Him.
  2. Pray Jesus will increase your love for Him.
  3. Pray Jesus will show you if He has called Pastor Chris to lead this church into the future.
  4. Pray Jesus will show you if He has called you to stay with this church in the future.

Jesus said the greatest commandment was to “love” God, not “obey” God. So aren’t the first two prayers out of order?

First, I’ve challenged our church to pray these prayers concurrently, not consecutively. It’s not like I start praying #2 after God has answered #1. I’m praying all these prayers at the same time.
Second, “love” can be confusing. I love any dessert that has cinnamon as a main ingredient. I love my wife. I love my dog. I love God. At least, I think I love God. How do I know if I love God? What if it doesn’t always feel like I love God? Do I still love him?

In the Bible Jesus said “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching (John 14:23).  If we pray these prayers, and we allow God to answer these prayers in us however he wants to answer them, our increased obedience to God will increase our love for God. And our increased love for God will increase our obedience to God.

But if you’re like me, you feel you love God but you’re not always obedient. Or maybe you’re like my toddler son, who doesn’t want to obey until he’s had “one more minute” of playing. Is Jesus calling you to obey him about something? Have you ignored him or told him, “one more minute” instead of choosing to immediately obey?

Stop right now and ask Jesus if there’s something he wants you to do, or stop doing. If he shows you something, commit to obey him immediately.

Two Months of Prayer and Fasting

On Sunday I challenged our church to two months of prayer and fasting. I called each person to fast and pray 4 specific prayers from November 3 through January 3. If you weren’t able to join us Sunday, here are the 4 prayers:

  1. Pray Jesus will make you more obedient to Him.
  2. Pray Jesus will increase your love for Him.
  3. Pray Jesus will show you if He has called Pastor Chris to lead this church into the future.
  4. Pray Jesus will show you if He has called you to stay with this church in the future.

I look forward to the stories people will share Sunday, January 3 about how Jesus has answered these 4 prayers! God speaks to us every day. But are we listening? I’m excited to hear what he says to us about these 4 prayers.